'Seventh Heaven' (also referred to as '7th Heaven'), directed by Frank Borzage and based on the play by Austin Strong, tells the story of Chico (Charles Farrell), the Parisian sewer worker-turned-street cleaner, and his wife Diane (Janet Gaynor), who are separated during World War I, yet whose love manages to keep them connected.
View a list of all expanded essays 7th Heaven (1927) In most cases, the images linked to Registry titles listed below were selected from the Library's Prints & Photographs Online Catalog, however some are drawn from other Library collections. The views expressed in these essays are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the Library of Congress. Other essays have been written specifically for this website. Some of these essays originated in other publications and are reprinted here by permission of the author. The authors of these essays are experts in film history, and their works appear in books, newspapers, magazines and online. Brief Descriptions and Expanded Essays of National Film Registry Titlesīrief descriptions of each Registry title can be found here, and expanded essays are available for select titles.